WKU AR Gallery

This gallery was organized and executed by Madison Whittle, Chris Nalani DiMeo, Sarah Terry and Me.
We hope to do more similar galleries like this in the future, possibly on a larger scale.

Assembling a Virtual Gallery

It is estimated that over 200 attendees visited the gallery. One visitor described the exhibit as “a groundbreaking way to display art.” “One of the most fascinating shows I’ve seen at WKU,” another said.

I preprared an introduction animtion for the gallery post based on the graphic design made by one of the other student that organized the gallery I prepared the 3D models to be AR ready as well as setting up the videos, models, images, and QR Codes for the gallery

Effects of the Gallery

Here is a summary of all what I did and I learn while working on this project:

  • It is estimated that over 200 attendees visited the gallery.
  • One visitor described the exhibit as “a groundbreaking way to display art.”
  • Another visitor said “One of the most fascinating shows I’ve seen at WKU,”
  • The gallery’s over 25 works were contributed by more than 30 creators from diverse disciplines across campus